Turkey Taco


I have a large piece of grilled turkey breast leftover, a avocado, tomatoes and cilantro in the refrigerator.  So, I guess we are meant to have tacos tonight! O(_)O~


6 crispy taco shells
1 large piece of grilled turkey breast
2 medium tomatoes
1 avocado
1/2  lime
1 teaspoon honey
freshly ground black pepper
salt to taste
chopped cilantro
chopped jalapeño
shredded cheese



Dice the grilled turkey and tomatoes.  Squeeze out the lime juice.

Slice avocado into halves.  Remove the seed with a knife or spoon.  Spoon the avocado flesh into a bowl.  Smash it with a fork. Whisk in lime juice, honey, black pepper and salt.  

Add a layer of diced turkey to taco shells, and then 1 or 2 tablespoons guacamole; sprinkle with chopped jalapeno, cilantro and tomatoes; and then top with shredded cheese. 

It is indeed fast and simple, and delicious! O(_)O~